Wraparound Care POPS Kids

Breakfast Club

Our breakfast club opens from 7:30am until school starts and it provides children with a secure and happy environment to begin their day. Breakfast club costs £5.00 a day, which includes breakfast and supervision. Places must be booked and paid for in advance via our school app called Weduc.

The school also accepts childcare vouchers.

Children are taken to class by a member of the breakfast club team.           

After School Club – POPS Kids

Our after school club POPS Kids is run by the school. POPS Kids runs from 3.00pm until 6.30pm and includes supervision and light refreshment. Each session costs £15.00. Places must be booked and paid in advance via our school app Weduc.

The school also accepts childcare vouchers.

A member of POPS Kids will collect your child from the class at the end of the school day.

POPS Kids Poster Afterschool Club