School Uniform
School Uniform
School Uniform
Nearly new uniform can be purchase from our Coronation Hut in the main school playground, which is accessed via gate 1 on Bynes Road. The hut is open during drop-off and collection times.
- Blue jogging bottoms (available from MAPAC)
- White polo shirt
- Blue v-neck sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo (MAPAC)
Infants (Reception – Year 2)
- Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
- White shirt or polo shirt
- Blue v-neck sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo (MAPAC)
- Black school shoes – no trainers or boots Socks and tights must be grey, black or white – no over the knee socks
Juniors (Year 3 – 6)
- Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore
- White shirt
- Blue v-neck sweatshirt or cardigan with school logo (MAPAC)
- School tie (MAPAC)
- Black school shoes – no trainers, boots or high heels
Socks and tights must be grey, black or white – no over the knee socks
PE Kit: children should wear their PE kit to school on the days they have PE and remain in the kit all day. Jogging bottoms and trainers are allowed during the Winter months:
- Blue shorts (MAPAC)
- Blue PE t-shirt with logo (MAPAC)
- Blue jogging bottoms – optional for outdoor PE
- Plimsolls or trainers for outdoors
- Children should wear their kits to school on the days they have PE
- PE or Kit bag with school logo (MAPAC)
Each nursery and reception child will receive a free of charge book bag with the school logo.
Jewellery is not permitted as part of school uniform for health and safety reasons. Only small studs are acceptable, plasters should cover any others that cannot be removed.
Long hair must be tied back with ties, ribbons in the school colours of blue or white.
Dyed hair and patterns shaved on heads are not permissible.
All uniform bearing the school logo and the PE kit can be purchased directly from our uniform suppliers. Click on this link to order: Mapac.
Their ‘delivery to school’ service is switched off over the summer holidays and resumes in September. This means the first orders placed as ‘delivery to school’ will arrive on around the end of October.
During the summer holidays we strongly advise, to ensure uniform is received in time for back to school in September, that orders are place online (delivery to your home) by 31st July.
Uniform Name Labels
We are a registered school with Label Planet, which means we earn 30% commission for our school from any sales generated via this link to Label Planet’s website: