Enrichment Activities

Enrichment Activities

Staff Led Clubs

Reception children can develop their skills in one of the three clubs available to them: Bringing Stories to Life, keep fit, mindfulness and yoga and Maths club.

Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 can develop their skills in clubs such as board games, cooking, crafts, choir, netball, dance, football and Lego.

Clubs begin at 3:15pm and end at 4:00pm. They can be booked via Weduc. A timetable of clubs for the autumn term is usually published in September.

Staff led clubs cost £10 per term.

Chargeable Externally Led Clubs

Clubs run in school by external providers are offered such as gymnastics, French and football, these clubs are chargeable. They run from 3.00pm until 4.15pm.

Learning Resource Centre

We realise how important reading is for all our children. Reading with your child helps build their vocabulary, language and literacy skills, while improving concentration, curiosity and memory. We want all our children to love books and aim to instil in them the habit of regular reading.

Our well-stocked LRC offers every pupil free access to a huge range of fiction and non-fiction books that they can borrow, or renew their current loan, on a weekly basis. All our pupils are given the opportunity to visit the LRC with their class once a week and during their lunchtime break.

Book Fair

We hold a Book Fair twice yearly in school where children and parents can purchase a wide range of fiction and non-fiction books at reasonable prices. These are usually held in November and March.

Friends of POPS

The Friends of POPS are a team of parents who work together to raise money to buy extra resources to enhance the school experience for our children. If you would like to find out more information, or are interested in joining them please email them at: FOPOPS@outlook.com, or find them on Facebook by searching for ‘Friends of Purley Oaks Primary School’.